Affordable Robo Drilling Cost Calculation » Hi-Tech Robo Drilling Contractors, Bangalore

We undertake Cost-effective Robo Drilling with no hidden charges.

How The Cost Of Drilling A Bore well is Calculated?

  • Water Borewell drilling cost depends on many different factors, processes and components used to drill a Borewell.
  • Usually there are no two Bore wells that will be the same, so it is best to work on an average cost of a Borewell.
  • The more Bore wells you drill, the better estimates you can give a client.
  • Every Borewell is unique, because the combination of factors that impact the components and processes used will almost always be different.
  • This is why Borewell drilling cost is not just a number on a paper, but a carefully calculated formula affected by the conditions.

The Robo Drilling Cost is also calculated considering the following factors:

  • The Borewell drilling cost is calculated as per the depth of the well that includes drilling charges for 6 ½” dia.
  • The MS casing pipe charges
  • The outer PVC pipe charges – 10″ pipe
  • The Borewell collar and cap charges
  • MS Casing pipe welding charges
  • Transportation charges and Labour charges
  • Water injection and flushing charges
  • Geologist groundwater survey charges
  • PVC Slotted Pipe Charges (125mm / 140mm)

Here are the Most Important Factors that Impact Robo Drilling Cost:

  • Type of ground
  • Depth of the Borewell
  • The purpose for the Borewell
  • The machinery, manpower and materials

The type of ground and geology of the site where you want to drill a Borewell are the biggest factor that will impact the Borewell price. It is very important to have a experienced Borewell professional doing the geology research of the site correctly, whether it’s rock, sand or clay you are dealing with.

Another important factor will be the depth of the Borewell, because groundwater will flow differently at different locations. This again can be found by the research done by the geology prospector, so experience is key in order to get the most accurate estimates as possible.

What is the purpose of drilling a Borewell?

There are not a one size-fits-all Borewell solution. This will also affect the water quality needed and the processes used to sink a Borewell.

All these factors will then depend on which materials, machinery and suitable manpower is needed to get the Borewell drilled. Materials will include the physical construction for the Borewell, machinery is the actual drill and the manpower is how many people you need to drill a specific Borewell.

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